February 9, 2011

Autumn Harvest 12x16 oil on gessobord

Welcome everyone!
I am very excited to finally have a blog.
This is one of my most recent paintings.
Although I don't paint very quickly,
I anticipate this being a very fruitful year.
I hope you will visit often.


  1. Ciao CJ!

    TJ here (haha that was cool to say!), I just came over from your husband's blog! Congrats on your new blog! I really like your paintings. I use watercolors to paint my illustrations, but oils look so interesting, but I'm a bit afraid to start with them. So will definitely keep an eye on your blog :D.

    Looking forward to read & see more!
    Take care.

  2. Hello TJ!

    So nice of you to comment on my posts. I'm so glad that you like my artwork! If you enjoy oil paintings, maybe you should check out some of my favorite art links on the right. You would be amazed, some of their paintings look like photographs!
